Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Tree

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. The air is full of love and joy. This week we put up our tree  and it's stunning. 

Love is in the air....

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Open Eyes

I've been practicing my camera skill with a different camera. The camera is harder to use, but man does it take stunning photos. It's kind of fun to be honest. 

My newest painting. 

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Our Thanksgiving

This thanksgiving was super fun and the best I've had yet. There was so much to do and tons to eat. The food was fantastic ( my favorite was the rolls). The table decorations were made by the kids or bought from the store. 
This is super cute! Better in person though.

The boys were play a game before we had to eat.

Aaron with his sisters :)
Happy moments.
The Webb family together!
Someone is going to be in trouble 

Group picture of some of the Webb girls.
She really pretty.Love her laugh. 

Hide and Go-Seek 

The little man punches the pinata.  

After few more people the pinata is gone..

Then the kids scramble to get candy.

Stop!! No more!
This was only part of my great day. I didn't get a picture for everything. The important thing to remember is 1.) what we are thankful for    2.) that we have each other.
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Seeing Fall

Winter is slowly creeping around the corner.

 Snow will be here before we know it.

This is a great time to get picture of the leaves at the final stage of life.

I love old farm tools.
Not really sure what they use to do but, it looks super cool.

This is going to be the best week ever.
I'm looking forward to the snow..

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chex Mix Fun

I have this recipe from one of the cereal boxes I got. I thought it might be fun to make a batch of muddy buddies. I course it doesn't look like the pictures up top. Mine is the bottom picture.   

They may not look like they came from a cook book but, man do they taste good. I made a whole bunch so everyone could have some. This was great and wonderful Wednesday.

Here is the website for the muddy buddies 
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Art Fun

On Saturday I finished my "Black Flowers" painting.   I was having I hard time figuring out what I wanted to paint and then I got crazy... I lost it and painted the whole thing black. Soon I fixed it by adding pinks, purples and black flowers. Now it's fun, cute, and stylish. 

I love how crazy and different this painting is from the other painting I have. 

Theses are one of my many doodles. I love flower the are my favorite to draw. 

Doodling is the best way to release stress. 

Sharpies are so much fun to use. I have sharpies in all kinds of sizes. Sharpies are my Favorite!

Sharpies are the Best! They never let me down. :)

Sea Shells are just so beautiful. I don't live next to a beach but, I have a few sea shells from my great grandpa. 

This is one of my water color painting. It was around spring time when I painted it. Spring is very pretty and full of all kinds of cool flower to draw. This is one of the better ones. 

Hope to keep you updated-    

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